A new Adventure

Time for my next adventure!

I will be leaving South Africa today to start full time employment with Imagine Learning in the United States. I will be working as a remote Software Engineer creating, maintaining and delivering educational software (I’ll be specializing in front end development with React).

As a remote employee I can work from anywhere and I plan to regularly come and visit South Africa and move between the different State in the USA to see as much as I can. Initially I will not be buying a car, instead I will be travelling by bicycle in each area I visit.

This trip will be to Phoenix Arizona (head office of Imaging Learning) where I will be meeting many of my team mates while we do a hackathon week. This trip will only be 6 weeks so that I can come home for Christmas. I am planning to go to Florida next (in January).

I will be posting pictures and notes on the Whatsapp group I previously used for my Tour Divide trip (if you would like to be on the group to see my adventures send me a private message and I will add you 🙂 )